Title: Talking to Myself
Commission/Dedication: Written for Gail Robertson and premiered November 18, 2018 at the final performance of late Virgin Island’s musician and educator, Herman E. Wallace’s Double-Belled Euphonium.
Premiere: November 18, 2018 by Dr. Gail Robertson.
Composer: Barbara York
Publisher: Cimarron Music Press
Year: 2018
Purchasing: https://www.cimarronmusic.com/talkingtomyself
Program notes from the composer:
Conversation with Dr. Gail Robertson:
Author assessment and pedagogical considerations:
This piece is extremely unique. It was written specifically for Gail Robertson to play Herman E. Wallace’s Double-Belled euphonium that had been completely restored. For those that are unfamiliar with this instrument, Gail gives a demonstration in the above video. The biggest challenge the performer will experience with this piece is switching between the large bell and small bell, and a few low B naturals that are a pain to play on this instrument. Movement 2 is the biggest challenge for switching between large and small bell. It happens numerous times a measure and sometime for only 1 eighth note. This movement will need to have lots of slow practice and worked up with a metronome, eventually.